Protein is among the most important nutrients that sustain life and are the building blocks of life. Protein in the form of amino acids is essential to build and repair tissues, produce enzymes and hormones, as well as aid the formation of haemoglobin, which helps to maintain good health. Its deficiency leads to weakness, fatigue, slow recovery from illness, and malnourishment. The daily requirement of Protein for adults is about 1 g/Kg of body weight and this requirement increases during illness.
Quality Protein intake makes a huge difference in one's health and the best quality are analysed by the PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score). The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends consuming Protein having PDCAAS 1; as these are easily digested, absorbed and provide all essential amino acids.
B-Protin is a nutritionally complete tasty health drink having PDCAAS 1, providing a blend of 3 quality Time Released Proteins, Soy, Whey and Casein ensuring a continuous supply of all the essential Amino acids to the body. It also provides high energy, 5 Antioxidants and 28 Essential Vitamins and Minerals that helps maintain excellent health.